
Did your team survive? To make sure you are not voted off Survivor: Canadian Wilderness, use the rubric below to assess your survival skills:


Did you answer all questions?                 
Some         Most        All

Did you have enough information?         
Not enough          Enough          Plenty

Was your information helpful?                
Fairly           Very        Incredibly


Information clearly organized?                
Not too well           Mostly            Excellently

Did you use your time well?                    
Not too well         Mostly            Excellently

Did you work together as a team?                       
Not too well         Mostly            Excellently


Could we hear you?                                               
Ok           Good              Great

Did you understand your  information?                     
Ok           Good              Great

Did you look interested?                           
Ok           Good              Great

VISUAL AIDS                                              

Did you show helpful pictures?               
None         Some         Many

Did you use other visual tools?               
None         Some              Many


Did you contribute any new  materials?                   
None          Some              Many

Did your group generate new  questions?                
None           Some              Many