First Nations


1. Who are the "Cree" and where do they live?

2. How did they come to be named "Cree"?

3. What language do they speak? Teach us some Cree words or phrases.

4. Tell us about the Cree culture and lifestyle.

5. Describe some of their traditions and tribal rituals.

6. What do the Canadian Cree do for a living?

7. Discuss the importance of their hunting and fishing skills.

8. Talk a little about the Canadian fur trading industry.

9. Can you name some notable Cree Indians?

10. Share a Cree folk tale, legend, or myth.

Did you survive? Click here.

Now that you have finished the first survival season, do you think this is a good television concept?

Do you think there should be another season?

How well do you think your team performed?

Did everyone work together?

Now that your task is complete, what did you do well?

What would you do differently?

After your preparation for this reality-based program, do you think you could survive in another setting? Where?

What other books would you suggest for future episodes?